A brief excerpt from the “Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid medical services” in GBUZ SC “Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital” approved by Order № 861-D of “29” in December 2017
I. General Provisions
1.2. Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.11.11 № 323- FZ “On the basis of health of Russian citizens” and of 29.11.2010 number 326-FZ “On Mandatory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 number 2300-1 “on protection of consumer rights”, Law of Russian Federation on 27.11.1992, the number 4015-1 “on organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”, the Civil Code, the Budget Code, the RF Government Decree of 04.10.2012 number 1006 “on approval of the Rules of medical boards organizations GOVERNMENTAL medical services “, RF Government Decree of 3/6/2013 number 186” On approval of rules of rendering medical aid to foreign citizens in the Russian Federation “, Law of Stavropol Krai of 23.07.
Institution provides paid medical services in accordance with the Charter and license for medical activities.
II. Basis for providing paid medical services
2.1. Paid medical services are provided to patients at the expense of personal funds of citizens, employers’ assets and other assets on the basis of agreements, including voluntary medical insurance contracts.
2.2. Medical organization, participating in the implementation of the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of citizens health care, has the right to provide patients paid medical services on different terms than provided for the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of citizens health and (or) target programs, at the request of the customer (customer) , including, without limitation:
2.2.1. Foreign citizens, stateless persons, except for persons insured under the compulsory health insurance, and Russian citizens without permanent residence on its territory and are insured under compulsory health insurance, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation.
V. Terms of payment of medical and other services
Payments made directly in cash to the cashier of the medical organization, or by means of transfer using the bank payment terminals; bank transfer transfer of funds under contracts with third parties.